Saturday, December 26, 2009



Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 8:23pm
Edit Note

I am sitting quietly trying not to think or be..

For the shadows of sadness are surrounding me.

If i am quiet and hold in the tears

Maybe the voice of God will calm my fears.

I stare into the stars and talk to the One up above

Maybe his voice will speak to me with kindness and love

To tell me why things happen that I don't understand.

I am reminded of the story of the footprints in the sand...

Bittersweet memories of my special loving friend,

In an instant one is born and in an instant it can end..

Sadness overwhelms me and it seems I cannot breathe.

For the inevitable future holds things I simply can't percieve...

I feel hopelessness and an emptiness that lingers in my heart

A hollow space that you once filled as you did right from the start

Bittersweet memories I cling to as I watch you and hold your hand..

Precious moments I cherish, yet for an answer "why?" I still demand.

I close my eyes and then I dream I can calm your labored breath

That maybe I can stave off this angel of darkness whom we call death..

I can call for a miracle to lift this shadow and trade all the bad for good,

Fill your life with light and love where the dark angel recently stood..

Although in reality I know all I can do is sit by your side and pray

That your life is in His hands and that He will hold you in every way.

That he comforts you and loves you and I know this much is true.

Due to God's bittersweet are in my life and I love you.

I love you Cathy.. and I miss all the laughs and the tears and the hugs.

My heart just aches at the thought of you not being here..but yet I know that God

Must have needed some of your brilliant sunshine and laughter and love near Him.

That comforts me.

Knowing that you will be there to comfort Him.

I am going to Hawaii one day soon I hope....and I'm still taking you with me ..if only in my heart. Its on my "to do list". I will write your name in the sand in the biggest letters that I can.

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